Abstract-2 (Jan 2020) Savita Mishra
POL’s Academic Board
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Pedagogy of Learning, Vol. 6 (1) January 2020, pp.13-20
Title: Scientific Aptitude and Academic Achievement of Students in Mathematics
Article DOI: 10.46704/pol.2020.v06i01.002
Savita Mishra, Principal, Vidyasagar College of Education, Phansidewa, Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Email: mishrasavita.hce@gmail.com
Scientific Aptitude Test (SAT) is intended to measure the potential ability of a person to pursue as course of training in the field of Science related subjects. Academic Achievement in Mathematics helps to inculcate the skills of quantification of experiences around the learners. The concept of achievement involves the interaction of three factors like aptitude, readiness and opportunity of learning. The objective of the study was to determine the significant difference in the level of Scientific Aptitude with respect to variables like gender and locale. The Descriptive method of Normative Study type was adopted. A sample of 100 students was selected for the study from the Senior Secondary schools of West Bengal. Tool Used for the Study are Scientific Aptitude Test (SAT) tool developed by Shahapur and Rao (2006). Findings of the Study were that Boys possess more Scientific Aptitude than Girls and Scientific Aptitudes of Urban students are more than that of rural students.
Keywords: Scientific Aptitude, Academic Achievement, Scientific interest, Accuracy of Observation.