January 2016: Volume-2, Issue-1

Sl.No.Author(s)TitlePage No.Download Link
01Sushanta Kumar RoulEffect of Leadership Behavior of the Principal on Students’ Academic
Achievement in Secondary Schools
02Sabita MishraCreativity: A Resource for Teachers’ Successful Teaching10-16 DOWNLOAD
03Manaswini Srichandan & Laxmidhar Behera
Pre-School Teacher Training Programme of Odisha and Strategies for Quality Improvement17-22 DOWNLOAD
04Prabhat Kumar MishraTowards Identification of Stress among Teacher Educators23-30 DOWNLOAD
05Tinku De (Gope)Professional Stress of Secondary School Teachers in relation to Ego-Strength31-36 DOWNLOAD
06Rutuparna Mohanty Bari as the Cradle of Basic Education in Odisha37-40 DOWNLOAD