Abstract 5 (October 2021) Annapurna Swain and Sankar Prasad Mohanty

Pedagogy of Learning, Vol. 7 (4) October, 2021, pp. 37-46

Peace Perception of Higher Education Students:  An Exploration

Annapurna Swain, Former Scholar, P.G. Department of Education, Rama Devi Women’s University, Vidya Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. E-mail: annapurnaswain135@gmail.com

Sankar Prasad Mohanty, Associate Professor of Education, P.G. Department of Education, Rama Devi Women’s University, Vidya Vihar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. E-mail: sankarprasadmohanty@rdwu.ac.in ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4847-7305

Article DOI: 10.46704/pol.2021.v07i04.005


This research study was conducted at the master’s level which aimed to study peace perception of higher education students with reference to their gender, stream and to study the factors contributing towards the promotion of peace and factors responsible for the deterioration of peace among students studying in higher education institutions. As Peace education is the process of acquiring values, knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills and behaviours to live in harmony with oneself, with other and with the natural environment. The study was conducted to explore the peace perception of higher education students. Descriptive survey design was adopted for conducting the study. Two tools, a Peace Perception Scale and a Questionnaire on Peace Perception, were used for collection of data from the students studying in higher education (N=119) in Khordha block of Odisha state (India). The results revealed no significant difference in mean perception of higher education students with reference to their gender as variable (girls and boys) and stream of study did not have any no bearing upon for developing peace perception among the students at higher education. Further, most of the students (84.03%) perceived that peace as an essential element for day-to-day life; majority of students (92.43%) perceived discipline as necessary element for an academic institution; and 82.35% perceive moral and ethics are essential elements for promoting peace in the society.

Keywords: Peace Education, Perception, Higher Education Students, Gender, Stream .