Ethics Statements of POL
POL’s Academic Board
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POL’s Disclaimer
Pedagogy of Learning (POL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed/refereed journal of Education. It accepts articles/papers of interdisciplinary subjects. The publication statement of POL, spells-out ethical activities of all members involved in publication process of an article in its issues. The members involved such as: the author, the Chairperson Editorial Board, Chief Editor, Associate Chief Editor/Managing Editor, Editorial Board, the peer-reviewers, and the publisher play their duties in maintaining quality of the Journal.
1. Decision regarding Publication of Articles
The articles received for publication in POL are subject to preliminary scrutiny by core editors or editorial board with emphasis on the suitability for its publication with reference to the objectives of the journal. If the article successfully passes through the preliminary scrutiny then it will be sent for blind-review/peer-review by two reviewers. The articles may be considered for final edition on the basis of reviewers’ reports. The reviewers may recommend for publication on the basis of its relevance or may suggest for modification or may reject. Accordingly, the author(s) will be intimated about the status of publication or modification or rejection. The entire process may take two months depending upon busy schedule of the reviewers. The authors are assured for quality publication.
On recommendation of the reviewers for accepted articles, the Chief Editor of Pedagogy of Learning (POL) will decide which article should be published. The guidelines and policies of the journal will be refereed to for publication of any accepted article. All the articles must be checked through plagiarism testing process. The Editors do not have the authority to influence the reviewers assigned for peer-review of a particular article or articles.
2. Maintaining Fairness
All the articles submitted for publication in POL, shall be evaluated on the basis of their intellectual merit without any bias on authors’ race, gender, religious beliefs, citizenship etc.
3. Maintaining Confidentiality
The Core Editors must not disclose any information about a manuscript submitted for publication in POL to anyone other than the authors / corresponding author, reviewers, editorial advisers, and the publisher.
4. Disclosure, conflicts of interest and reservation of rights
Unpublished articles disclosed during review or other means must not be used by anyone in his or her own research without written consent of the author(s) and the publisher. However, the copy rights are reserved with the authors and the journal.
1. Duties of Editors and Reviewers in Review Process
POL follows double-blind peer-review for publication of articles. The numerical or letter codes are assigned to each manuscript received from the authors for publication. The identity and identifying information of the authors are kept confidential before sending the articles to reviewers. Reviewers’ comments/recommendations on the articles are confidential and will be made anonymous before communicating to the authors. However, the names of the reviewers are kept strictly confidential and their identities are known only to the Core Editors (Chairperson Editorial Board/ Chief Editor/ Managing Editor.
2. Promptness in Review Process
If any referee/reviewer feels unqualified to review the assigned manuscript or unable to provide a prompt review, should notify the Chief Editor immediately so as to enable the Chief Editor to send it to other reviewers.
3. Maintaining Confidentiality
It is mandatory that manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be disclosed to anyone or discussed with anyone without permission of the Chief Editor.
4. Reviewing Standards with Objectivity
The reviewers should review the articles objectively as per the format prescribed by the Chief Editor. Comments/Recommendations should not contain any personal criticism to the author. The reviewers should present their views clearly with supporting arguments, if any.
5. Acknowledgement of Sources in the Articles
The reviewers should identify relevant citations and acknowledgements by the authors. All references must match with proper citations. The reviewers should bring to the notice of the Chief Editor for any substantial similarity with any other work if the reviewers have personal knowledge on that section.
1. Originality and Plagiarism Test
Authors should ensure that the manuscript is entirely their original work, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, this must be appropriately cited or quoted. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal shall be treated unethical and is unacceptable. However, each article shall be checked through plagiarism detection software. The author(s) will be held responsible for any legal dispute for any plagiarized portion, if detected. Hence, the authors are requested to send declaration about the genuineness of their manuscript. All disputes are subject to Himachal Pradesh jurisdiction only.
2. Data Access and Retention
The authors may be asked to provide the raw data of the research paper for editorial review if required. The data should be retained for a reasonable time after publication for public access if required.
3. Acknowledgement of Sources in the Articles
Authors must have acknowledged the cited works in the manuscript. All references must match with proper citations. If the work is based on the funded project, the sources of funding should be duly acknowledged at the end of the article.
4. Authorship of the Manuscript
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the concept, methodology, collection of data, analysis, interpretation and reporting in the study. There may be co-author(s) for a manuscript if they significant contribution to it. Even, others should be acknowledged if they have participated in certain substantive works of the project.
5. The Corresponding Author of the Manuscript
The Corresponding Author of the manuscript will make all communications with the journal for publication. The Corresponding Author should ensure that names of author and all co-authors are mentioned on the paper with their proper affiliations. The Corresponding Author should ensure that the manuscript has been verified by all the authors and they have approved the manuscript for submission to this Journal for publication.
6. Prompt work on errors in published works, if any
If any a significant error or inaccuracy is observed in the article after publication in the journal must be brought to the notice of the Chief Editor for correction as soon as possible.
Editorial Office:
Chief Editor
Department of Education, Central University of Punjab
Bathinda-151 001, Punjab, India.
E-mail: /