April 2019: Volume-5, Issue-2
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Pedagogy of Learning : Volume 5 (2) : April 2019
A Peer Reviewed/Refereed International Journal of Education
1. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation at Elementary School Level in Odisha.
By Sudarshan Mishra & Subhashree Pattanaik Page 01-17 VIEW THIS ARTICLE
2. Trending Education towards Human Development Through Need Based Teaching.
By Ajaya Kumar Penthoi & Sanatana Tripathy Page 18-24 VIEW THIS ARTICLE
3. Analysis of English Language Learning Outcome among Tribal Students of Class VIII of Government Schools of Gumla District, Jharkhand.
By Priya Kriti Kujur & Dhanya Krishnan Page 25-36 VIEW THIS ARTICLE
4. Emotional Intelligence and Self Efficacy of Govt. and Private Secondary School Teachers of Khordha District in Relation to their Job Status and Teaching Experience.
By Suresh Kumar Baliarsingh & Elizabeth Gengmei Page 37-45 VIEW THIS ARTICLE
5. Examination for value organization in Higher Education: An Introspection.
By Siba Charan Subudhi Page 46-52 VIEW THIS ARTICLE