Abstract-1(Jan 2021) Suranjita
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International Refereed/ Peer Reviewed Journal of Education
Vol. 7 (1) Jan 2021, pp. 01-08, E-ISSN: 2395-7344, P-ISSN: 2320-9526
Title: Effectiveness of Concept Mapping Strategy on Attitude Towards Science of Secondary School Students
Article DOI: 10.46704/pol.2021.v07i01.001
Suranjita Muni, Ph.D. , Senior Teacher Educator, DIET, Jagatsinghpur, Odisha, India.
B.C. Mishra, Ph.D., Former Principal, DP IASE, Berhampur, Odisha, India.
The present paper is an attempt to study the effectiveness of concept mapping strategy on attitude towards science of secondary school students. Quasi-experimental design has been followed in the study. The design of the study is pre-test post-test control group design. Purposive sampling method has been used for selecting the sample. One government high school from Cuttack, Odisha was purposively selected. Two intact sections from class-IX were selected for conducting the experiment. One section of sixty students was treated as experimental group and the other section of same sixty students was treated as control group. Attitude towards science scale was developed and used by the researchers to collect relevant data for the study. The result shows that the students in experimental group did not differ significantly in their mean attitude towards science pre-test score as compared to their counterpart taught through traditional method. Post-test result revealed that teaching-learning through the concept mapping strategy has substantially enhanced the students’ attitude towards science as compared to the teaching-learning through traditional method of teaching. The investigators discussed about the findings, its implication. Suggestions for further research has also been described at the end.
Keywords: Concept Mapping Strategy, Attitude Towards Science, Secondary School Students