October 2015: Volume 1, Issue 4
POL’s Academic Board
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Sl.No. | Author(s) | Title | Page No. | Download Link |
01 | NITYANANDA PRADHAN | Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Towards Equity and Inclusivity in Schools | 01-14 | DOWNLOAD |
02 | TULIKA DEY | Folk Tales of North East India: A relook for Environmental Studies Classroom Transaction | 15-27 | DOWNLOAD |
03 | P.K.MISHRA & S.K.MISHRA | Education and Skills as Catalyst for Sustainable Growth in India | 28-38 | DOWNLOAD |
04 | ADITYA KU. MISHRA ; SAGARIKA MISHRA & DEBADUTTA NAYAK | Inclusiveness in School Education: Romantic, Rhetoric or Realistic? | 39-50 | DOWNLOAD |
05 | SUBHASH SARKAR & PRASENJIT DAS | Impact of Internet and Social Networking Websites on College Students | 51-61 | DOWNLOAD |
06 | BIMAL CHARAN SWAIN | Quality Improvement in Secondary Education in Odisha | 62-67 | DOWNLOAD |
07 | SANGEETA KUMARI BARWAL | Achievement Motivation and Academic Anxiety of High School Students | 68-73 | DOWNLOAD |
08 | PATITAPABAN DAS | Learning through Concepts: Situating Socratic Style | 74-79 | DOWNLOAD |
09 | PRITI KUMARI | Quality of Primary Education with Special reference to Government and Private Schools of Tripura | 80-91 | DOWNLOAD |
10 | SANKAR PRASAD MOHANTY & SANJEEVANI SUDHA JENA | Perception of Teachers about Educational Provisions for Students with Disability in Higher Education Institution | 92-104 | DOWNLOAD |